“Am I in the right career?”
“Reflecting on everything you said – most pieces are falling into place now- it has helped me understand so much!” C.S.

NO, it is NOT!!!!!!!
It may seem easier at first. Just going through the motions always seems easy for a while but in the end, it buys us more trouble.
So many of us ” fall into ” a job rather than give great thought to a career and future. The vast majority are working for money and truly hate their job.
Meet Joe. He took work experience while still in school where his dad worked. While in university he wasn’t really sure what direction he really wanted to go. He really liked photography but his dad said there was too much competition in that field and he could never make any real money at.
So Joe took business and got a degree. The grades weren’t brilliant because he found it all a bit boring and was easily distracted. The grades were okay though and enough to get a fairly good job in a well known firm.
Time passed. Years. Joe rose through the ranks. Not swiftly because he just simply did not care enough about work. He couldn’t wait for the end of the day. He sometimes caught himself browsing the internet at work because he was so tired of the same old office politics.
More time passed. Joe started noticing that a few of his bosses were younger than him. They were so ambitious! They worked through lunch. They sometimes worked through dinner. They were like a dog with a bone. They never let go of a problem until it was solved.
Joe was starting to have difficulty keeping up. His reviews were containing more negative feedback. He was getting tired of not being appreciated. Work felt like a greedy leech, the more blood he gave the more they wanted.
Times got tougher and redundancies were announced. Joe lost his job because simply put there were others who just seemed more motivated. He certainly hadn’t made himself indispensable.
We spend anywhere from 60-80% of our life in work. Shouldn’t we as least love our work, considering we donate so much time to it?
If we don’t love it it will show at some point and hold us back anyway. Let’s consider if Joe decided to learn more about photography way back at the beginning. What if he ignored his father’s well meaning advice and explored a different avenue.
Chances were he would have been more successful in the long run because he would have simply been more interested in his chosen career. Rather than the rather grim future where he has a mortgage to pay and no job.
The good news for our hypothetical Joe is that he used his redundancy offer to re-train and now is a successful wedding photographer. He makes the same amount of money for less hours, enjoys going to work, and he only wishes he hadn’t wasted so much time in a job he hated.
You too can change your life so you have more time, more money, and more fun.
It takes planning and hard work. I am not promising any less. But the work gets easier and easier and you get happier and happier.
Life coaching gets you on a path where your life can change and dreams do come true!