20 questions technique Innovation can be difficult. Setting a system in place to tackle a goal can help bring new ideas. Management guru Brian Tracey has got a great ‘mind storming’ technique. Get a blank sheet of paper and write your goal/problem at the top of the page. Make sure your goal is specific and […]
It’s pretty simple really but how many of us can do these six things… Be thankful – Acknowledgement of what you like or love brings more of the same. If someone has been praised for something, it is a FACT that they will try to repeat the action. A perfect example is a recipe, if […]
They can because they think they can. – Virgil So you are unlucky. Why is the universe after you? Why are you the victim? You must really be a bad person if you are so unlucky…OR, you have had a few bad things happen to you early on and somehow (wrongly) felt that you deserved […]
” The only thing required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.” -Thomas Paine As a life coach, if I had to sum up in one phrase what causes the biggest problems in people’s lives, I would say it is “fear and inaction”. The two are inextricably linked. One causes the other […]
The real secret on how to deal with difficult people is not dealing with them but understanding why they are difficult. You may say “because they are a *#!^/” But there is always more going on than you may at first be aware of. Realise that it is highly likely that if someone is treating […]
I gained an enormous amount of weight after having my daughter and it wasn’t from the pregnancy. It was from lack of sleep. Every little ache from teething to tummy troubles often causes broken sleep for even adults, but for babies and toddlers they almost always need help getting back to that sweet slumber. Hence […]
If you are on a diet and have had chocolate cake for lunch, don’t be discouraged. Many successful people have had false starts (see here for just one list). I have had many hard knocks in life and have come to suspect that the hardest knocks come just before the biggest opportunities. I sometimes feel […]
We all lose sight, now and then, of what the final goal is and we have to work hard to get back on track. But the real question should be, “Did I have a goal or destination in mind in the first place?” Many studies have shown that one of the traits that most successful […]