Joy Elaine Watkins had many psychic experiences in childhood, which prompted a lifelong study of spirituality, self-improvement, and natural health.
She has given intuitive readings, motivational talks, and workshops professionally for the last 15 years in many settings including for TV documentaries, national magazines, corporate events, newspapers, conventions, and private parties. She has started, owned and operated successful businesses both in London and in the United States.
She has worked through NLP, mediumship, numerology, colour therapy, palmistry, tarot, and psychometry.
She started using the aura imaging equipment and software over six years ago and has been fascinated by the accuracy of the images.
She became a Life Coach to better inspire her clients toward positive change. (Joy Watkins has a NCFE Certificate from Newcastle College in Life coaching- a course designed with the input of Britain’s leading authority Fiona Harrold.)